Free PDF to ePub Converter,Convert PDF to ePub iPad/iPhone/iTouch
Nowdays, Reading EBook is becoming the most popular way to kill the empty time when you sit on the regular bus, have a boring meeting, wait for your friends on park bench or have a long journey,and In a variety of eBooks formats, EPUB is the most popular and convenient format for reading eBooks on portable devices like iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Sony reader etc.
The benefit of EPUB:
1. EPUB is compatible with most of popular eBook readers such as iPad, iPod touch, iPhone or Sony Reader.
2. EPUB files require smaller storage space than other eBook formats.
3. EPUB allows you to create bookmarks.
4. EPUB provides Built-in dictionary functions.
5. You don't have to keep scrolling side to side
How to convert PDF files to ePub with PDF to ePub converter ? If you wanna import PDF to your device like iPad, iPhone or iTouch and read PDF eBook on it? The best way is to convert PDF files to ePub format files.Here I share an easy and effective converter tools -----PDF to ePub converter which is specially designed for eBooks reading fans to have a more enjoyable experience of eBook reading.
How to convert PDF to ePub(*.epub) eBook for iPad,iPhone,iPodTouch,Sony Reader with PDF to ePub Converter?
Free downlaod and install the PDF to ePub converter,then run the software.
Step 1:Import PDF files
There are two ways to import PDF files:
1. Click the Add Files button, and browse your computer to find the PDF files and import them.
2. Drag the PDF file into the file list directly.
Step 2:Options and Settings
Click Options to set the text and images format, text color, background color and hyperlinks etc.
click the Selected Pages field and type the page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas counting from the start of the document. For example, type 1,3,5-12,20-32, and then the output EPUB document only contains the content of these pages.
Step 3:Convert PDF files
Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion. There will be a process par in the Status column.
More information about the PDF to ePub converter,you can visit iPDF converter
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