I show you how you can post your Works on the Unity Store. I would like to gain an overview of all important aspects that you need.
Unity3D is a very popular game engine. With Unity3D you can develope games, apps and much more. But it is not always easy to develop something of their own. But you not really need it because you already can buy ready made stuff. For e.g. I can model a car but cant script a Carengine. The easy way i buy it in the Store for 5$.
Now we have come to the important point. You can make money with Unity3D by offering your stuff there. You get 70% from your work. For e.g I offering a 3dGame model for 10$. If someone buy my model I will get 7$. You can sell on Unity3d AssetStore everything, 3D models,Scripts,Engines,Prefabs,Plugins,....
Get Unity3d
You can easy get Unity3d on their webpage: UNITY3D
You have the choose between the Free and the Trial Version. The Pro version costs $1500.00
Make a account
To get access to the Store you need a account. You have two options:
1.You have a account made at the registration
2.You have no account. In Unity Editor, choose Window > Asset Store and select in the right corner Account > Create Account
Your Work
To sell your stuff you need some stuff. If you think your work is ready for the AssetStore you need to Download the AssetStoreTools
You cant publish your work without this tools
Get a publisher account
To sell you work you need a publisher account. If you are ready with the download you get a new Folder in your Project AssetStoreTools. In the menubar at the top you also get a new option AssetStore tools. Select AssetStore tools>Package Manager.
Now you a new window with some errors. Don't worry about it just press the button Account settings. You get new window with text fields. Just write your information in the text fields and now we get a new important step "keyimages".
Setup the keyimages
It is important to observe the rules. Unity3d have some special Guidlines about your keyimage, you can get the Guidelines here
After you read the Guidelines you understand how to place the pictures correctly. In the Project Folder > AssetStoreTools>Templates you can find some ready Tempates for your pictures.
If you are done the pictures for your account, select it from your pc in the Account Settings.
Just accept the conditions and go to next step
Preparing file
Now you need to prepare your files for the Store.
1.Make a new Folder with your final File Name
2.Put only your Project in this Folder (Not the AssetStoreTool Folder)
3.Create a new Folder "AssetStore"
4.Put in the the new AssetStore folder your keyimages(Keyimages from the file not from the account) you need (big.png,medium.png,small.pngicon.png)
5.If you have some screenshoots make a new Folder "Screenshot" and put your screenshots in this folder. You Scrrenpictures need the name "Screen01,Screen02..."
6.Put the Screenshot folder ind the AssetStore folder
7.Press in the AccountStore Manager the Configure Button.
8.Write the Description,Name of File....and set a Price.
If you not get errors in the AssetStore Manager you can Submit,Preview or Configure.
After 2 day you get a e-mail from Unity3D and they say if your file are approved or rejected
The reason for rejection you can find in the e-mail
Earn Money
Now your file is in the AssetStore. You can here show your sell stats and make your withdrawal.
- Not submit not your works
- Read the Guidlines
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